6/13 | Marx and Engels’ The Communist Manifesto and Vladimir Lenin with Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya, and Nancy Fraser

Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya, and Nancy Fraser read and discuss

Marx’s Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) and Vladimir Lenin’s April Theses (1917)

in conversation with their book, Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto (2019)

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

6:15 PM New York time (EDT, UTC/GMT -5)

Jerome Greene Annex, Columbia University, New York, 10027

RSVP here

File:Lascar Marx-Engels-Forum (4472409972).jpgMarx-Engels-Forum, Berlin

Primary text: Karl Marx, Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848)

Commentary: Vladimir Lenin, The Tasks of the Proletariat in the Present Revolution (1917)

Additional reading: Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya and Nancy Fraser, Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto (2019)

Philosophers: Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya and Nancy Fraser

Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025

In-person location: Jerome Greene Annex, Columbia University, New York, 10027

Time: 6:15 PM New York time (EDT, UTC/GMT -5)

Livestream: https://marx1313.law.columbia.edu or https://www.youtube.com/@columbiacenterforcontempor7652

Zoom: RSVP here

Readings: On-line here

Language: English