9/13 | Marx’s Grundrisse and Antonio Negri with Michael Hardt and Sandro Mezzadra

Hardt Mazzadra Cropped

The philosophers Michael Hardt and Sandro Mezzadra read and discuss

Marx’s Grundrisse and Antonio Negri’s Marx Beyond Marx, and Marx in Movement

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

6:15 PM New York time (EDT, UTC/GMT -5)

Jerome Greene Annex, Columbia University, New York, 10027

RSVP here

File:Pravoslav Sovák, Ironworks - Panorama (1959), drypoint.jpg

Pravoslav Sovák, “Ironworks—Panorama” (1959)

Primary text: Karl Marx, Grundrisse (1857)

Commentary: Antonio Negri, Marx Beyond Marx: Lessons on the Grundrisse (1978); Marx in Movement: Operaismo in Context (2021)

Philosopher: Michael Hardt and Sandro Mazzadra

Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2025

In-person location: Jerome Greene Annex, Columbia University, New York, 10027

Time: 6:15 PM New York time (EDT, UTC/GMT -5)

Livestream: https://marx1313.law.columbia.edu or https://www.youtube.com/@columbiacenterforcontempor7652

Zoom: RSVP here

Readings: On-line here

Language: English