Guillaume Le Blanc

Guillaume Le Blanc

Guillaume le Blanc is professor of philosophy at the University Paris Cité and member of the Institut Universitaire de France. He is a philosopher specialized in social philosophy as well as a specialist of Michel Foucault, Georges Canguilhem and French contemporary philosophy. Guillaume le Blanc has written many books translated in several langages including Canguilhem et les normes (1999), Les maladies de l’homme normal (2004), La pensée Foucault (2006), Vies ordinaires vies précaires (2007), « L’invisibilité sociale (2009), « La condition d’étranger » (2010), Canguilhem et la vie humaine (2010), « Que faire de notre vulnérabilité? » (2011), La philosophie comme contre-culture (2014), La fin de l’hospitalité (avec Fabienne Brugère, 2017), La solidarité des éprouvés. Pour une histoire politique de la pauvreté (2023)

He is a member of the editorial board of the French review Esprit and  member of the Centre Michel Foucault. He works on questions of norms, exclusion and forms of resistance among the most precarious.

He has also published several studies on contemporary American literature (Cormac McCarthy, Richard Ford, Russell Banks, etc.).