Guillaume Le Blanc and Judith Revel | A Return to the Eighteenth Brumaire in conversation with Edward Said, Frantz Fanon, and Jacques Derrida

Marx 13/13 | Keynote Lectures and Discussion

Guillaume Le Blanc and Judith Revel

return to Marx’s Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte

in conversation with

Edward Said, Orientalism and Jacques Derrida, Specters of Marx

Wednesday, February 26, 2024

Columbia University, Jerome Greene Annex

Welcome to this second of our keynote lectures for Marx 13/13!

It is a great privilege to welcome back to Columbia University and to New York City Guillaume Le Blanc and Judith Revel, two brilliant critical philosophers, who are both going to continue the conversation we had at Marx 8/13 on Marx’s 1852 text The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon, this time in conversation with Edward Said’s 1978 book, Orientalism, and Jacques Derrida’s 1993 book, Specters of Marx.

Guillaume le Blanc is professor of philosophy at the University of Paris Cité and member of the Institut Universitaire de France. He is a philosopher specialized in social philosophy as well as a specialist of Michel Foucault, Georges Canguilhem and French contemporary philosophy.

In his paper, Guillaume Le Blanc will be exploring the paradigm of social warfare in Marx, how class conflict is understood as a form of warfare, in conversation with Michel Foucault’s use of the matrices of war to understand relations of power, and place Marx in conversation with Edward Said.

Judith Revel also joins us from Paris, for a second time at this 13/13. Judith is a professor of philosophy at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She too is a member of the Institut Universitaire de France. She is a philosopher who specializes in Michel Foucault and French political philosophy since 1945 (Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida; but also Merleau-Ponty, Lefort, Clastres, Castoriadis, Rancière, Agamben, Negri, Esposito, and others).

Judith Revel will present a paper that puts Marx in dialogue with Derrida’s reading of the Eighteenth Brumaire from Specters of Marx.

Welcome to Marx 13/13!