2/13 READINGS | Marx’s Debates on the Thefts of Wood and Michel Foucault

Primary text: Karl Marx, Debates on the Law on Thefts of Wood (1842) in Karl Marx-Frederick Engels, Collected Works, Volume 1 (Karl Marx: 1835-1843) (New York: International Publishers, 1975), pp. 224-263. on-line at https://marxists.architexturez.net/archive/marx/works/1842/10/25.htm Secondary text: Michel Foucault, The Punitive Society: Lectures… Continue Reading

Bernard E. Harcourt | Host

Bernard E. Harcourt is a contemporary critical theorist and social justice advocate. Harcourt is the Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science at Columbia University. He is the founding director of the Columbia Center for Contemporary… Continue Reading